Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stock Market: Is it time to bail?

No, but if you have all your investments tied in just the market and no where else, I would start reconsidering your strategy. We all know the old adage "Don't keep all you eggs in one basket." We should always be diverse.

The market and the economy are on shaky ground and it is probably going to get much worse. Stock markets have crashed overnight as we have seen back in 2008 and now with the Hindenburg Omen rearing its ugly head there are many that are extremely worried.

I am not suggesting to cash out all your investments and start hoarding money in your mattress but there are some things we can do to minimize losses in the unstable economy. Sure keep some money in the market, contribute to your 401k, but also look into precious metals, bonds, actual cash held in interest bearing savings accounts that are FDIC insured. Make sure you have a bankroll on hand in case of emergencies. Also, some of the most overlooked items are food, water, ammunition, generators things that you may need in case of a catastrophe because in this day and age you just never know!


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