No, your not, you just need to make financial adjustments. Most people are having extreme financial difficulty in this day and age but if you truly want to become an investor or just save a few bucks you are going to have to make some sacrifices.
Everybody including myself have items and things we do that cause us to spend money frivolously, things like buying expensive cups of coffee or going out every night & weekend or buying high ticket items just because "you gotta have it" etc. But if you really want to save money that mindset needs to be changed, we need to take control of our finances and make things happen. Control your money, don't let it control you.
There are many little habits that we can change in order to start putting money aside again for investing in gold/silver or paying down debt or whatever it is that you need extra money for. A few examples that I have done personally are listed below
1. Cut back on eating out - Huge savings will follow.
2. Setup automatic payments for bills - Late fees really chew into your bottom line.
3. Overdraft charges - Keep your money, don't give it to greedy bankers.
4. Eat and live healthier - Death and medical bills suck.
5. Cable TV - Internet provides most of what your paying for with cable.
6. Current Job not paying enough? go get another - Difficult now but very possible.
7. Start a budget and stick to it - KNOW YOUR FINANCES!!!
8. Shop smarter - Look for deals, Stop giving money away.
9. Pay off loans - No monthly payments makes Jesus smile :)
10. If you can't afford don't buy - We are all guilty of this crime.
There are many many other things you can do to save a few bucks these are just some of mine. Utilize the web, there are many great blogs and websites that have excellent advice of how to save and maximize your dollar. Follow some of these steps and I guarantee you will be able to start investing in no time. Good luck.
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